Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is an elected body responsible for overseeing CNFC on behalf of its member-owners. The board engages with members at the level of community. The directors define our mission, values, and role within the community at large and are responsible for the co-op’s actions and for ensuring that the business is managed in a sound fashion.
Board meetings take place the last Wednesday of every month at 6 pm online!
Our BOD has three primary goals:
Act as trustees on behalf of the members. Directors do this by carefully monitoring the co-op’s financial status, regularly reporting on the status of the co-op to members, and ensuring that the co-op follows its bylaws, policies, and appropriate regulations.
Ensure sound management of the co-op. Directors are responsible for hiring and supervising the co-op’s management. Supervising the General Manager involves reviewing management reports, monitoring key indicators (inventory turnover, sales trends, other financial ratios) and evaluating the General Manager’s performance.
Set long-range goals and ensure planning for the co-op’s future. Directors do this by discussing strategic planning, approving yearly and long-range plans, and setting performance goals.
Responsibilities of a Member of the BOD:
Prepare for and attend all monthly meetings.
BOD meetings are the last Wednesday of every month from 6-8pm.
Committee meetings are 1-2 times a month for 1.4-2.5 hours. Directors are required to participate on a minimum of one committee.
Additional working meetings may be required.
Attend BOD trainings (up to 3 days a year).
Be familiar with the by-laws, policies, and financial statements.
Establish objectives and policies for CNFC’s future.
Supervise the General Manager.
Oversee fiduciary matters.
Maintain communication with Member– Owners.
Communicate promptly with other Board members.
There are several ways to talk to and meet your Board of Directors:
1) Write us using the form below, or e-mail
2) Attend a Board Meeting! All meetings are held the last Wednesday of each month digitally, via Zoom. Please call, e-mail, or reach out to us via social media to learn how to dial in!
3) Find us at Co-op events. We do our best to attend all CNFC’s in-store events as well as be present at many community events.