Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is an elected body responsible for overseeing CNFC on behalf of its member-owners. The board engages with members at the level of community. The directors define our mission, values, and role within the community at large and are responsible for the co-op’s actions and for ensuring that the business is managed in a sound fashion. 

Board meetings take place the last Wednesday of every month at 6 pm online!


Our BOD has three primary goals:

  1. Act as trustees on behalf of the members. Directors do this by carefully monitoring the co-op’s financial status, regularly reporting on the status of the co-op to members, and ensuring that the co-op follows its bylawspolicies, and appropriate regulations.

  2. Ensure sound management of the co-op. Directors are responsible for hiring and supervising the co-op’s management. Supervising the General Manager involves reviewing management reports, monitoring key indicators (inventory turnover, sales trends, other financial ratios) and evaluating the General Manager’s performance.

  3. Set long-range goals and ensure planning for the co-op’s future. Directors do this by discussing strategic planning, approving yearly and long-range plans, and setting performance goals.

Responsibilities of a Member of the BOD:

  • Prepare for and attend all monthly meetings.

  • BOD meetings are the last Wednesday of every month from 6-8pm.

  • Committee meetings are 1-2 times a month for 1.4-2.5 hours. Directors are required to participate on a minimum of one committee.

  • Additional working meetings may be required.

  • Attend BOD trainings (up to 3 days a year).

  • Be familiar with the by-laws, policies, and financial statements.

  • Establish objectives and policies for CNFC’s future.

  • Supervise the General Manager.

  • Oversee fiduciary matters.

  • Maintain communication with Member– Owners.

  • Communicate promptly with other Board members.



There are several ways to talk to and meet your Board of Directors:

1) Write us using the form below, or e-mail

2) Attend a Board Meeting! All meetings are held the last Wednesday of each month digitally, via Zoom. Please call, e-mail, or reach out to us via social media to learn how to dial in!

3) Find us at Co-op events.  We do our best to attend all CNFC’s in-store events as well as be present at many community events.