Investment Shares



Investment Shares are a financial instrument that would allow owners to earn dividends from the store by investing in a new class of non-voting  stock.  The Co-op’s Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation previously only allowed for one class of shares—the common, voting shares that confer benefits like owner-only discounts, patronage refunds, and most importantly, a voice in the governance of the store. In order to offer Investment Shares, the Co-op owners voted to change the Co-op’s Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. .
Click here to learn more about the Bylaws Amendment.


What are Investment Shares?
Investment Shares are a unique type of stock that owners may purchase from the Co-op to help fund our relocation to a bigger and better store.  Investment Shares are dividend-bearing investments.

Why is the Co-op offering Investment Shares?
This offering provides owners the opportunity to invest funds in their Co-op while earning a fair return on their investment.  Investment Shares are being offered at this time to help provide part of the financing for the Co-op's planned relocation.  The amount raised through the sale of Investment Shares will reduce our need to borrow and pay higher interest rates to financial institutions to finance the relocation. 

What is the benefit of my investment to the Co-op?
Shareholders will have the opportunity to invest locally, know how their money is being used, and earn a better rate than a similar-sized investment is likely to provide.  The Co-op will have the advantage of lowering its financing costs as the dividend rates it pays on Investment Shares will be lower than the interest rates it would pay on bank loans. 

When will shares be available?
Shares will most likely be available for purchase in the first half of 2016. 

How do I learn about the specific details of the offering?
Prior to purchase you will have access to a Disclosure Statement that provides a detailed background on the Co-op's plans, its financial history, and its financial projections that will allow you to determine if making an investment in these shares is appropriate for you.  The Disclosure Statement will be reviewed by the California Department of Business Oversight as part of the process of granting the Co-op a permit to offer these shares to its owners. 

How secure is my money?
Like most investments, Investment Shares are uninsured and carry a level of risk.  Your investment is based on your good faith in the Co-op.

Does owning Investment Shares affect my voting ability?
No. Unlike your common ownership share, which comes with one vote, Investment Shares do not have voting power.  As always, each primary owner has one vote in co-op business decisions.