The Co-op is dedicated to providing our community with the best food at the best possible prices. That’s why we have Co+op Basics: a collection of essential products that we guarantee will have great low prices, every single day. Here are some of the delicious and nutritious items we’ve added to our already existing Co+op Basics selection—all shoppers can get these unbeatable prices every day!
Chino Valley Humane Harvest Brown Eggs are now $3.69
Organic Valley California Organic Milk (Whole & 2%)
Half Gallon $3.99
Gallon $5.99
Organic Gala Apples are now $1.39/lb
We are particularly pleased to announce that we have heard your requests and have a new, everyday low price for hot oatmeal from our breakfast bar!
Organic, Gluten-free Hot Oatmeal
Small, 8oz $2.99
Medium, 16oz $3.99
Large, 32oz $6.99
We’re always looking for more ways to help you save money without cutting corners. Keep an eye out for the Co+op Basics tags in the store to stretch your dollar even further!