The Co-op Blog!


Dear CNFC Community,

The Chico Natural Foods Cooperative is a mission and values-driven community-owned entity. As such, transparency and information sharing are integral parts of organization’s DNA. We are always striving to be as honest and straightforward as possible with our staff, customers, and the community at large.

As of late yesterday, the Co-op is operating under an abundance of caution and making the presumption that an exposed employee will test positive for COVID-19.  While we are unable to share any specific information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) Act, they seldom interact with the public and have very limited contact with employees who do. They are in isolation and doing well. Any Co-op staff who have been determined to have been “exposed”* to the affected employee have been sent home (with pay) to self-isolate until they reach the end of their quarantine period.**. We have employed an external cleaning service to thoroughly disinfect the workspaces that may have used. We are following all recommended guidelines from public health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and city, county and state public health departments to ensure everyone’s safety.

At the Co-op we continue to follow strict safety protocols, including screening all CNFC employees for symptoms and exposure before starting their shift, minimizing worker contact, maintaining our 6 feet distances as best possible while working in our small spaces, wearing masks, and sanitizing all areas of the Co-op where workers and customers access. Any appearance of COVID-19 is distressing and worrying, but it also reinforces why we have such rigorous practices in place: stringent mask policies, robust hygiene handwashing policies, generous and proactive Wellness benefits, and a dedication to in-store sanitization will help keep everyone safe.

We encourage everyone to practice another core cooperative tenet, Principle 7: Concern for Community. COVID-19 is highly contagious and dangerous to many- and we still do not know its long-term effects. To put it bluntly, you should always act as if you are being exposed to the virus. The more diligent we are in stopping the spread, the sooner we can return to our lives filled with hugs, high fives and the daily activities we once took for granted. Supporting our staff is one of our paramount priorities; please help up protect staff by diligently wearing your mask correctly and staying home when ill or when in contact with those who are ill.

As a reminder, per the California state mandate, face coverings are required on Chico Natural Foods Co-op property at all times. We also want to remind you of other critical ways we can keep each other safe right now:

·         Wear a mask at all times in public.

·         Wear your mask across your nose, mouth and chin.

·         Keep at least 6 feet distance between yourself and others when in public.

·         Wash your hands well and often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

·         Keep holiday celebrations and other gatherings to those within your “bubble”.

·         Monitor yourself for symptoms. If you present symptoms or have concerns about being exposed, you should seek testing. The Butte County Health and Human Services webpage is a good resource.

 Curbside Pickup is available for those seeking the convenience and safety of ordering groceries online and delivered to their car in the Chico Natural Foods Co-op parking lot. It is easy to use, convenient and we encourage you to give it a try.

Thanks to our community for continuing to take the pandemic seriously. COVID-19 diagnoses are becoming widespread across Butte County and now, more than ever, it is important we keep each other safe. For shoppers that would like more information about the Co-op’s COVID protocols, or have any other questions, please email

*According to Butte County Public Health, an “exposed” co-worker is someone who worked within 6 feet of the affected individual for at least 15 minutes straight in an enclosed area.

** Butte County Public Health considers the quarantine period to be 14 days after the last date of close contact with someone who has COVID-19.


