The Co-op Blog!

Keeping Your Cool with Produce

Summer months in the Sacramento Valley and foothills bring day time temperatures from the upper 80’s to the low 100’s. Combine this with long hours, low humidity and increased activity, and you have the perfect recipe for dehydration, heat stroke, skin rashes, sunburn and other forms of inflammation. 

Fortunately nature has gifted us with ways minimize overheating and dehydration...

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FROM THE BOARD: On Being Local

Many of us that frequent our local food co-ops and local farmer’s markets are aware of our troubled industrial food system that exists today. What can we do as an individual, and how can we educate our family and friends that Being Local is the way to go? I’ve given a few ideas and ways to think about being local that may help others embrace the local movement.

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Changes At Llano Seco

 Llano Seco is transitioning their herd away from being USDA certified organic. While we at the Co-op obviously strive to carry as many organic products as possible, we understand the reasons why Llano Seco have made their decision, and will continue carrying their products.

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