The Co-op Blog!

GMO Policy

Since the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the food system, numerous human health and environmental degradation concerns have been raised and confidence in the safety of GMO crops has been limited. Your ability to make informed decisions when purchasing food products has also been restricted due to the difficulty of determining whether foods contain GMOs. 

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2013 Patronage Dividends!

As you may or may not have noticed, 2013’s Patronage Dividend has been sent out! The Co-op mailed the vouchers out on Monday, September 15, and they should be reaching your mailbox soon. The letter attached to the voucher explains how to redeem your voucher for cash, store credit, or a donation to the North State Food Bank.

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FROM THE BOARD: Liberty and A/C for All

Summertime, and the living is easy…because anything requiring effort might just make our heads explode. July is a time when those of us who try to hold off on air conditioning might crumble in our resolve. When days are hot as blazes and nights don’t bring significant relief, air conditioning is truly a magical thing. 

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